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May 17, 2019

The countdown is on until LAMP Opens its Doors to the community for a full weekend. We are hoping to get to know some of you who don’t have the opportunity to stop by and learn about our programs and services. We are also hosting a COMMUNITY SERVICES FAIR on the saturday so you can find out about other organizations who are doing great things. Mark your calendar Saturday May 25 10 to 5 pm and Sunday noon to 5 pm the wellness R and R day.Stop by if you can we would love to meet you. Some special workshops as well. On Saturday social media, it’s affect on you. how to unplug. Sunday mindfulness, yoga and more.See the poster below. Hope to see you then.

Sat. May 25 Garage sale, gardening tips. community services fair, unhool from socila media workshop, healthy eating and food samples, baccata, and much more. 10 am to 5 pm. Sundy relaxing wellness day music, LAMP tours de stress tool box, mindfulness workshop, relaxation and wellness tips at LAMP 185 Fifth Street

Our Community Needs Your Support

Every little bit helps. You may not think you make much of a difference, but in the words of those who use LAMP CHC’s services:

"Everyday we come to LAMP CHC, life gets a little easier to get back on track. We would have just given up if it wasn’t for them."

Programs & Services

LAMP Community Health Centre

185 Fifth St
Etobicoke, ON M8V 2Z5


