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Learning takes place in a community engaged, supportive and welcoming space.

Improve your reading, writing, math, and/or digital literacy (computer) skills in our community-based literacy and basic skills program.

We provide free small group tutoring to support adults in reaching their goals in areas such as employment, independence, obtaining their secondary school credit, post-secondary studies, and apprenticeship. Our trained staff and volunteer tutors work from a learner-centered and holistic approach.

The Lakeshore Adult Learning Program consistently report excellent learning outcomes and success in the Lakeshore community. Over 70% of our learners achieve success with most or all of their goals upon exiting our program.

Our program is free to attend and some financial assistance for TTC is available based on eligibility.

Client Criteria/ Who We Serve

We serve clients who are at least 19 years old and are out of school, and want to upgrade their reading, writing, math, or computer skills. Learners must be fluent in spoken English and able to commit to 3 hours of learning each week for at least 6 months to 1 year.


Our program runs Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-8:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM-5 :00 PM.

Intake and Assessment

Screening, intake interview and assessment to determine the learner’s interests, needs, and strengths.  Continuous intake. The program runs year-round.

How to Register

Drop in or phone (416)-252-9701 x243 or 360 for more information.

Or email us at


“A good foundation in reading and writing is, of course, an achievement of learners in the program. Even more important, I think, is the growth in confidence in their abilities to participate in the community and navigate their way through day to day demands of society …… getting a job, supporting/encouraging their children’s education, managing their families’ needs, dealing with gov’t/official forms and even being aware of/enjoying the benefits of living in a city like Toronto.” – Sherry (tutor)

“I came to LAMP with no computer skills. The staff treats us with respect. The learning sessions are effective. I can now use the internet and I email for job search!”- Carol (learner)

“I’m in such a beautiful place now- the Adult Learning Program supported my goals to further education and improving my reading and critical writing skills. I am signing up for a creative writing course at a local college.” – Anonymous (learner)

Our Community Needs Your Support

Every little bit helps. You may not think you make much of a difference, but in the words of those who use LAMP CHC’s services:

"Everyday we come to LAMP CHC, life gets a little easier to get back on track. We would have just given up if it wasn’t for them."

Programs & Services

LAMP Community Health Centre

185 Fifth St
Etobicoke, ON M8V 2Z5


