March 3, 2021
LAMP Community Health Centre continues to support our clients and community members through COVID-19 the pandemic. To respect the call for physical distancing and in support of efforts to minimize the spread of COVID-19, we have made modifications to our programs and services. Please see below for our latest program and service information and make sure to check out website for updates. UPDATES: LAMP CHC is open for scheduled in-person essential and urgent health and clinical services but all group programs are still cancelled. The State of Emergency declared by the Ontario government and a stay at home order was lifted on Monday March 8 and we have moved to the grey designation. Here is what that means in the city.…/toronto-will-move-nto-the… That means at LAMP we will still provide limited essential staff onsite. Many appointments are by phone or virtual but some face to face screened appointments are continuing. All clients must be screened and must wear a face covering or mask when entering any LAMP building and when receiving services onsite. Operating hours include evening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: and Thursday 8:30 am – 8 pm and Friday operating hours will remain 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at the Lakeshore site. The programs and services that continue to provide modified onsite services include PHC (Primary Health Care), Chiropody, and the Adult Drop-In takeaway meal program continues Monday through thursday 9:30 am to 11:30 pm. Physiotherapy is offering virtual workshops and booking non-essential appointments in advance. Health promotion wellness and mindfulness programs continue online. The Good Food Market on Wednesdays has been suspended. Our adult learning programs including computer literacy continue online. The Ask Department is scheduling drop off free income tax preparation appointments. Call to book drop offs. Our Early ON and youth programs are virtual, weekly and monthly schedules are available. Social work appointments at Lakeshore are expanding soon mostly virtual. Please call 416-252-6471 for more information. LAMP’s goal is to provide clients with a safe environment to receive service and a safe environment for staff to provide services. To achieve this goal LAMP continues to abide by provincial directions, Ministry of Health and professional College requirements to maintain a safe environment.
All group programs are closed until further notice at the Lakeshore, East Mississauga, Evans (West Toronto Diabetes Education Program), RAY (Youth Space) and Among Friends Program sites.
LAKESHORE SITE MODIFICATIONS: Hours of operation modified to: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 8 pm. Fridays 8:30 am to 5 pm.
Primary Care – Screening protocol in place at a single entry point. Essential services ongoing. Please call ahead to book appointments. 416 252 6475 Telephone support as needed (i.e. prescription renewals.)
Chiropody – Essential services only.
West Toronto Diabetes Education Program – Essential services only. Phone appointments.
Adult Drop-in/Harm Reduction – Take away meals provided Mondays – Thursdays from 9:30 am – 11:30 am to replace regular drop-in program. Harm reduction supplies available upon request.
ASK! – Tax Clinic bookings start March 12 to drop off forms. Information/Referral/Newcomer Services available by telephone. Call 416.252.6471 ext. 280 or 281
Early ON and Youth Programs are Virtual.
Several LAMP programs are also reaching out to our clients and community members by doing “warm calls” to stay connected and offer support during these very challenging times. We are also working closely with our community partners and funders to coordinate services for our vulnerable community members.
Physical distancing seems to be helping to stop the spread. You are making a difference. Thank you for being socially responsible. Achieving community health and well-being together